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Law Library

Primo Quicksearch

Opening hours

Mon - Fri    9.00 - 22.00
Sat             9.00 - 20.00
Sun          12.00 - 20.00

Closed on public holidays, such as May 1st, 2024 and
from Dec. 24, 2024 to Jan. 1, 2025
(see also here).

Orders of available items directly into the owning library are ready for pick-up after appr. one hour (if ordered within the library’s opening hours). Orders to other libraries of Freie Universität Berlin or from external stacks usually take one day during the week (Mon – Fri). You will always receive a pick-up notification via e-mail.

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Dates Law Library

Law Library News

Zugang zur Datenbank beck-online (im Rahmen der Lizenzbedingungen - nicht über WLAN/LAN möglich)
Zugang zur Datenbank LexisNexis Academic
LInk zur Virtuellen Fachbibliothek Recht der Staatsbibliothek Berlin (ViFa-Recht)