Fremdsprachige Rechtswissenschaftliche Kurse
- Comparative Law and Digitalization *
- Comparative Law and Rights - Online Course from the University of Connecticut School of Law *
- Data Privacy Law *
- Derecho Internacional Público *
- Human Rights Law *
- International Dispute Settlement *
- International and European Refugee Law *
- Introduction to the Common Law (England and Wales, and the International and "Commonwealth" Legal System) *
- Introduction to Mediation * Intensive Holiday Course *
- Introduction to the U.S. American Law and Legal System
- Law, Internet and Technology *
- Model UN: The United Nations Security Council and Climate Change *
- The Changing Nature of Peace and Security *
- U.S. Business Law and Dispute Resolution *
* Es kann nicht garantiert werden, dass dieser Kurs in jedem Studienjahr tatsächlich angeboten wird.