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Dr. Andreas Buser

Buser Bild 2024


Boltzmannstr. 3
Room 4408
14195 Berlin

Dr. Andreas Buser is a senior research and teaching associate at Freie Universität Berlin where he also pursues his Habilitation with a book project on the legal governance of planetary boundaries. Earlier he was affiliated with the Berlin/Potsdam DFG Research Group “International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?”, the DFG/AHCR funded working group on Protracted Conflicts, and New York University where he was invited as an Emile Noël Fellow at the Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law & Justice. In addition, Dr. Andreas Buser conducted research stays at National University Delhi, Xiamen Law School and the University of Glasgow. During his legal training he worked with the Berlin Public Prosecutor (Organized Crime), the German Federal Ministry of Commerce, the European Center for Constitutional- and Human Rights and Client Earth. He published widely on international law and German constitutional law, with a particular focus on climate law, international economic law, human rights, and supply and value chain regulation. His research interests more broadly include constitutional law, international law, and the law of the European Union. He regularly acts as a peer reviewer for internationaly recognized journals, including the Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, Melbourne Journal of International Law, and the Modern Law Review. Dr. Andreas Buser is a member of the European Society of International Law (ESIL), the German Society of International Law, and the International Society of Public Law. 

Winter Semester 2019/2020

MK General Administrative Law and Administrative Procedural Law

Winter Semester 2018/2019

MK International Law

Winter Semester 2017/18

MK International Law

MK General Administrative Law and Administrative Procedural Law

Winter Semester 2016/17

AK International Law

AK General Administrative Law and Administrative Procedural Law



I. Books

"From Protracted Conflict to Sustainable Peace?", Oxford University Press (under contract), co-ed with Heike Krieger, Giedre Jokubauskaite und Asli Ozcelik Olcay

"Emerging Powers, Global Justice and International Economic Law: Reformers of an Unjust Order?", Springer 2021

reviewed by:

Helmut Aust, Cai Congyan, Henrique Choer-Moraes, Anna Hankings-Evans, James Nedumpara und Mohsen al-Attar (book discussion opinioiuris.org; 1st Februar - 5th Februar 2021)

Mohsen al-Attar, Journal of International Economic Law 2021, pp. 672-678

II. Articles and Working Papers

"Exercising Planetary Jurisdiction: On the Legality and Legitimacy of Unilaterally Mitigating Planetary Ecological Footprints", European Journal of International Law, (accepted for publication).

"Protecting the climate through EU supply chain legislation? Two critiques and a compromise", European Law Open, (forthcoming).

“Investor-State Climate Litigation: Could International Investment Law Help to Protect the Climate?”, Indian Journal for International Economic Law, (forthcoming, manuscript available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4010796).

“From Doughnut Economics to Doughnut Jurisprudence: A Human Rights Perspective”, Human Rights Law Review 2024, pp. 1-24.

“Nachhaltigkeit durch Informiertheit? Zur Rolle des aufgeklärten Individuums in Prozessen der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation“, in: Bertling/Bognitz/Dahlke/Eftger/Elste/Friedmann/Klimke/Rehberger/Westphahl/Wetenkamp (eds.), Nachhaltigkeitsrecht im Wandel, Nomos, 2024, pp. 45-58.

„Staatliche Informationspflichten“ (Governmental obligations to inform the public), Der Staat 62 (2023), pp. 201-241.

“National Climate Litigation and the International Rule of Law”, Leiden Journal of International Law 2023, pp. 593-615.

“Towards a  Climate Resilient European Union: Prospects and Limitations of a General EU Climate Adaption Law", Journal of European Environmental and Planning Law 2023, pp. 127-144.

„Klimaanpassungsklagen in Deutschland? Ein rechtsvergleichender Überblick“ (Climate Adaptation Litigation in Germany? A Comparative Legal Study), Nachhaltigkeitsrecht (journal for the law of sustainable development) 2023, pp. 21-30.

„Der Menschenrechtsausschuss der Vereinten Nationen und die Klimakrise – Die Entscheidung Billy et al. gegen Australien und ihr Beitrag zur „Begrünung“ des Menschenrechtsschutzes“ (The UN Human Rights Committee and the Climate Crisis – The Decision Billy et al. vs. Australia and its Contribution to Greening Human Rights Protection), MenschenRechtsMagazin (HumanRightsMagazine) 2023, pp. 74-84.

"Investor-State Climate Litigation: Could International Investment Law Help to Protect the Climate?" (available here)

"Of Carbon Budgets, Factual Uncertainties, and Intergenerational Equity - The German Constitutional Court's Climate Decision", German Law Journal 2022, pp. 1409 - 1422 (available here)

"Zur Ökologisierung des Rechts: Rechte der Natur als Paradigmenwechsel" (paper on rights of nature under German constitutional law, written together with Hermann Ott), in: Adloff/Busse, Welche Rechte braucht die Natur? Wege aus dem Artensterben (Which Rights Does Nature Need? Ways to Adress Species Extinctions), 2021, pp. 159-177.

„Ein Grundrecht auf Klimaschutz? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen grundrechtlicher Klimaklagen in Deutschland“, DVBl. 2020, pp. 1389-1397 (available here)

„Eine allgemeine Klimaleistungsklage vor dem VG Berlin: Urteilsbesprechung VG Berlin, Urt. v. 31.10.2019 – 10 K 412/18, Beck RS 2019, 35475“, NVwZ 2020

„Recalibrating Policy Space in Bilateral Investment Treaties: Is There a Common BRICS Approach?”, in: Cai Congyan und Chen Huiping (Eds.) The BRICS in the New International Legal Order on Investment: Reformers or Disruptors, BRILL 2020, pp. 163-203 (available here).

“A Peasant’s Imagination of Alternative Legal Order: Land Reform in India, Food Security and the WTO”, co-authored with Pratyush Kumar, in: Mahendra P. Singh, Wolfram Cremer, Niraj Kumar (Hrsg.) Open Markets, Free Trade and Sustainable Development: Perspectives from EU and India, Springer 2019, pp. 61-90

“Justiciability of Security Exceptions in the US Steel (and other) Disputes: Some Middle-Ground Options and the Requirements of Article XXI lit. b (i)-(iii)”, EJIL Talk! (Blog of the European Journal of International Law), 20 November 2018

“Colonial Injustices and the Law of State Responsibility: The CARICOM Claim to Compensate Slavery and (Native) Genocide, Heidelberg Journal of International Law, 2, 2017, 409-446

"Colonial Injustices and the Law of State Responsibility: The CARICOM Claim for Reparations", KFG "International Law - Rise or Decline?" Working Paper Series, No. 4, August 2016

„Die Finanzierung der EU: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer EU-Steuer nach Europarecht und Grundgesetz“, in: Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien (ZEuS), 1, 2014, S. 91-115 und Berliner Online-Beiträge zum Europarecht, 91, 2 July, 2013, Eds.: Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess, LL.M. Eur.

„Die europa- und verfassungsrechtliche Zulässigkeit sog. Eurobonds“, in: Berliner Online-Beiträge zum Europarecht, 89, 4 April, 2013, Hrsg.: Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess, LL.M. Eur.


III. Blogposts

 "A Human Right to Carbon Import Restrictions? On the Notion of ‘Embedded Emissions’ in Klimaseniorinnen v Switzerland”, EJIL Talk! (Blog of the European Journal of International Law), 16.4.2024, https://www.ejiltalk.org/a-human-right-to-carbon-import-restrictions-on-the-notion -of-embedded-emissions-in-klimaseniorinnen-v-switzerland/.

„Von der Nachhaltigkeit zur Resilienz und einem planetaren Grundgesetz“, Verfassungsblog, 20. Juni 2023, https://verfassungsblog.de/von-der-nachhaltigkeit-zur-resilienz-und-einem-planetaren-grundgesetz/

„1.3 Billionen Euro Kriegsreparationen an Polen: Warum nicht den IGH entscheiden lassen", Verfassungsblog, 7. Oktober 2022, https://verfassungsblog.de/1-3-billionen-euro-kriegsreparationen-an-polen/

„Von der Freiheit der Zukunft auf den Boden der Tatsachen“, Verfassungsblog, 12.8.2022, https://verfassungsblog.de/von-der-freiheit-der-zukunft-auf-den-boden-der-tatsachen/

„Die Freiheit der Zukunft: Zum Klimabeschluss des BVerfG“, Verfassungsblog, 30.4.2021, https://verfassungsblog.de/die-freiheit-der-zukunft/

“International Economic Law Symposium: Emerging Powers and the International Order - Response by the Author”, OpinioJuris (in association with the International Commission of Jurists), 5.2.2021, opiniojuris.org

„Justiciability of Security Exceptions in the US Steel (and other) Disputes: Some Middle-Ground Options and the Requirements of Article XXI lit. b (i)-(iii)”, EJIL Talk! (Blog of the European Journal of International Law), 20.11.2018, https://www.ejiltalk.org/justiciability-of-security-exceptions-in-the-us-steel-and-other-disputes-some-middle-ground-options-and-the-requirements-of-article-xxi-lit-b-i-iii/.

„German Genocide in Namibia before U.S. Courts“, Völkerrechtsblog, 11. Januar 2017, www.voelkerrechtsblog.org.

IV. Varia

„Verfassung der Meere“ als Klimaschutzvertrag, NJW-aktuell 29/2024, S. 15.

„Book Review: Schwarz, Katarina: Reparations for Slavery in International Law. Transatlantic Enslavement, the Maangamizi, and the Making of International Law”, ZaöRV 83 (2023), S. 537-543.

„Gibt es ein Grundrecht auf Klimaschutz? — Pro Standpunkt" (Is there a fundamental right to climate protection? ), KlimaRZ (Climate Law Journal) 2023, pp. 140-142 (Contra: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Murswiek)

„Menschenrechtsausschuss, 116. Bis 118. Tagung 2016“, German Review on the United Nations, 4, 2017, p. 179-180

„Ausschuss gegen Folter, 57. bis 58. Tagung 2016“, German Review on the United Nations, 1, 2017, p. 32-34

Ausschuss gegen Folter, 54. bis 56. Tagung 2015, German Review on the United Nations, 5, 2016, p. 225-226

"Oppositionsrechte in Zeiten der GroKo", Fall Staatsrecht, Juni 2016, in: Heike Krieger/Markus Heintzen (Eds.), www.hauptstadtfaelle.de

„Rezension: Andreas von Arnauld, Völkerrecht, in: JE Online-Zeitschrift für Jurastudium, Staatsexamen und Referendariat, 4 June, 2014


Select Presentations

"International Environmental Law and Planetary Limits: Towards a Planetary Rule of Law?", Abschlusskonferenz der KFG "International Rule of Law - Rise or Decline", FU Berlin, 26.-28. September 2024

"Towards a Planetary Basic Law - The Case of Germany", ICON-S, IE Madrid, 8.-10. July 2024

"Towards Planetary Constitutionalism - The Case of Germany", Presentation at the meeting of the working group on World Comparative Law, HU Berlin, 4.-5. Juli 2024

"Ordering The Planetary Agency of Corporations", presentation at the conference "Reimagining Order in the Planetary Era: Agency, Publics and Power", organized by Andrew Hurrell, Benedict Kingsbury, und Alejandro Rodiles, HU Berlin, 26.-28. June 2024

“Protecting the Climate through Unilateral Trade Regulation”, Presentation at the Workshops on “Integrative Approaches to International Economic Law and Policy”, KFG “International Rule of Law – Rise of Decline?” organized by Prof. Dr. Anthea Roberts, Prof. Dr. Nicholas Lamp, Dr. Sophia Paulini, Freie Universität Berlin, 8. April 2024

“Planetary Jurisdiction: A Legal Framework for Mitigating Planetary Footprints”, NYU Global Fellows Forum, 27. March 2024

“The Role of Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence in Mitigating Climate Change’s Impacts on Human Rights and the Planet”, Research Group on Global Challenges to Human Rights Law Policy and Practice, University of Oslo, conference on “Planetary Crises and International Human Rights: Governing Contemporary Threats through Litigation and Civic Action”, 26.-27. October 2023

“Protecting Planetary Boundaries through Unilateral Trade Regulation? A Planetary Justice Perspective on EU and US Approaches to ‘Green’ Global Capitalism”, 14. September 2023, NYU Global Fellows Forum

“Degrowth and Human Rights”, Law and Society Organization, Puerto Rico, 3. June 2023.

“Protecting the Climate through Unilateral Supply Chain Legislation?”, Conference on “Climate Change and Justice: Global Challenges and Policy Responses”, Indian Sub-Himalaya Research Institute (SHRI) 26. April 2023 (online)

“Doughnut Jurisprudence: Human Rights and Degrowth”, Workshop on “Degrowth and Law”, SOAS London, NLU Delhi, University of Cape Town und der University of Essex.

“The German Constitutional Court’s Climate Decision”, Spring Symposium on Climate Change, W&L Law School in Virginia, 8. April 2022 (online)

"Towards a Climate Resilient European Society: Objectives and Principles of EU Climate Adaptation Law”, KFG Research Group „International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?”, Berlin, 6. Dezember 2021

„Ein Grundrecht auf Klimaschutz? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen grundrechtlicher Klimaklagen in Deutschland“, Presentation given on 14.2.2020 as part of his PhD at Freien Universität Berlin

„Emerging Powers, Global Justice and International Economic Law”, Annual Meeting of the working group on Überseeische Verfassungsvergleichung, 14.-15. June 2019, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

„Rising Powers, Global Justice and International Economic Law”, KFG Research Group “International Law, Rise or Decline?”, Berlin, 1. October 2018

„Recalibrating Policy Space in Bilateral Investment Treaties: Is There a Common BRICS Approach?”, Konferenz zum Thema “BRICS and the International Legal Order on Investment”, Xiamen University Law School, China, 2.-3. November 2017

“Restructuring International Investment Treaties: Approaches from India and Brazil”, Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat, India, 30. April 2017

"Reparations for Historical Injustices as a Development Strategy: The CARICOM Claim for Reparations", Law & Development Conference, Ostende, 14-16 September 2016

"Colonial Injustices and the Law of State Responsibility: The CARICOM Claim for Reparations", Lunch Talk, KFG Research Group "International Law, Rise or Decline?", Berlin, 19 May 2016