Year 2017/2018 of FU Law Clinic
Opinions on FU Law Clinic
"I especially liked the international perspectives of the course!" "Personal support and commited team." "The Law Clinic facilitates working in a law office - after my internship at a criminal defense lawyer's office, he offered me a job. I really like the work I am doing there." "Interesting networking with international organizations." "I enjoyed the relaxed and friendly atmosphere during the course and the presentations." "Cases you wouldn't normally deal with while studying law."Reports on the lectures given by criminal defense attorneys:
24/05/2017: "Strafverteidigung – Grundlagen und Selbstverständnis" (Ulrich Klinggräff)
31/05/2017: "Kritische Würdigung von Beweismitteln" (Hannes Honecker)
07/06/2017: "Verteidigung in der Hauptverhandlung" (Stefan Conen)
14/06/2017: "Verteidigung im Ermittlungsverfahren" (Franziska Nedelmann, Dr. Peer Stolle)
26/06/2017: "Verteidigung im Straf- und Maßregelvollzug" (Diana Blum)
28/06/2017: "Beweisantrag und Verwertungsverbote" (Kilian Schaefer)
05/07/2017: "Verteidigung in amerikanischen Strafverfahren" (Bernhard Docke)