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Course of Study

The law studies targeted targeted at the first legal examination consists of four different parts: the introductionary year, the intermediate year, the specialization year and the revision year. In addition vocational preparation courses have to be attended. The courses at the law department are held in German.

The introductory year is concluded by the intermediate examination, for which all modules of the first year have to be passed. The students will have two written exams each in the fields of civil and public law, one written exam and one term paper in criminal law as well as two further written exams in history of law and legal theory.

In the intermediate year students will continue to build up on their previous knowledge in three core areas of civil law, criminal law, public law complemented by the respective procedural law of each area and current European law verified by mandatory term papers and written exams. Also the students have to prove their scientific skills by writing a profound paper in an area of their own choosing

The elective specialisations of the specialisation year serve to build the profile of the law department and are determined according to the areas of expertise and research interests of the teaching staff. At the moments student may choose from seven different fields of specialisations:

  • Foundations of the law
  • Private consumer law, distribution law and private insurance law
  • Business, company and tax law
  • Employment/labour law and insurance law
  • Criminal justice and criminology
  • Process and control of state decision-making
  • The internationalisation of the legal order

The study of the specialisation year consists of modules from two ‘sub-specialisations’ in the respective field. The following university specialisation exam consists of two parts: a thesis (writing time: 8 weeks) in the first ‘sub-specialisation’ including an oral defence of the thesis (time: 30 minutes per candidate) and a 5-hour exam incorporating the material from the second ‘sub-specialisation’.

After the university specialization course and the university specialization examination the revision year reiterates all mandatory content of the whole study programme and is meant to prepare the students for the state examination.

The first state examination in the 9th term is set by the Joint Legal Examination Board of the States of Berlin and Brandenburg. The state examination consists of both a written and an oral exam part. The written part consists of seven exams each lasting 5 hours: three exams in civil law and two each in criminal and public law. The oral examination requires the student to make a 10 minute presentation, which is followed by 45 minutes of examination in civil law, another 45 minutes in criminal law and another 45 minutes in public law.

Regarding mandatory vocational preparation the students must pass a class which confirms their competence in the legal terminology of a foreign language of their choice. Also the student must acquire a certificate in a professionally relevant soft skills course (e.g. negotiation, communication skills, rhetoric, arbitration, mediation and interview techniques). Finally students must successfully complete a three-month internship at a court, law firm or administrative authority during vacations.