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Research focuses

  • Private Law (especially: German Civil Code - General Part: general rules, liability in contract and tort)
  • Insurance Law (contracts, regulation, companies, conflicts; european and international insurance law)
  • Company Law
  • Private International Law
  • Foreign Legislation: EU member state's private legal systems (in particular: France, Italy as well as United Kingdom and Switzerland)


Please click here for a comprehensive list of Prof. Armbrüster's publications.


Research cooperations

  • Verein zur Förderung der Versicherungswissenschaft in Berlin e.V.
  • Deutscher Verein für Versicherungswissenschaft e.V.
  • Deutsche Notarrechtliche Vereinigung e.V.
  • Notarkammer Berlin


Current research projects

  • German Civil Code: General Part (commentary MünchKomm-BGB; educational material); Liability (contract, tort)
  • Insurance Law: esp. German Insurance Code (General Part, Property, Liability including D&O, Business Interruption, W&I, Life etc.) as well as European and German insurance regulation including Solvency II (commentaries in Prölss/Martin, VVG and MünchKomm-VVG, Versicherungsrechts-Handbuch, VAG-Handbuch; lectures, manuscripts, papers)
  • Company law (esp. papers)
  • Arbitration legislation (esp. papers)
  • German Notarisation Act (commentary Armbrüster/Preuß/Renner)