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New release: Wirtschaftsstrafrecht: Einführung in die Grundlagen mit fallbezogener Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung im Schwerpunktbereich

Cover WiStR 2

News from May 21, 2023

Recently, the first edition of the textbook "Wirtschaftsstrafrecht: Einführung in die Grundlagen mit fallbezogener Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung im Schwerpunktbereich" (Corporate Criminal Law: Introduction with a Case-Based Preparation for the State Examination) was published.

Carsten Momsen wrote the textbook together with Adja Lea Niang, Philipp Bruckmann and Sebastian Laudien. The latter are all current or former members of Carsten Momsen's department. They have taught various courses and exercises in corporate criminal law. They are or were also involved in the examination of students.

The textbook is intended as a presentation of the substantive and procedural features of corporate criminal law. In preparing the textbook, it was particularly important to illustrate the subject matter with individual cases. It is therefore primarily aimed at students specializing in corporate criminal law. However, it is also aimed at attorneys and other practitioners who are new to the field of corporate criminal law and will provide them with a quick initial and, above all, up-to-date orientation.

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