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YOU and the ELMC

What do YOU get out of the participation at the ELMC? The European Law Moot Court offers you the unique opportunity to experience what it means to work as a team of lawyers on a realistic case already during the course of your studies. Together with your team you will work intensively on problems in European Law resulting from the case and learn how to bring forward arguments for your client. You will develop arguments autonomously and prepare strategies to convince the bench.

The ELMC not only offers you the unique opportunity to prove your skills in a challenging competition but also the chance to enhance your knowledge of European Law with intensive support and supervision by your coaches, to improve your rhetorical skills and to gain experiences in teamwork.

The ELMC offers all participants an exciting and challenging programme of preparation for the oral rounds in the Regional Finals. The FU maintains good relations to government departments, law firms and partner universities. This network enabled us in the past years to carry out trial pleadings in the offices of White & Case, Hengeler Mueller, Raue LLP and lindenpartners or the federal ministry of economics. Besides the unique experiences the previous participants made contact to firms in the practical area of law.

Furthermore, during the participation in the Regional Finals the opportunity arises to meet students from all parts of Europe as well as lawyers, judges, professors or employees of the commission. Last but not least the Regional Finals serve the purpose to “Meet and Compete” according to the ELMC’s motto. Previous participants report regularly that these contacts and friendships have lasted far longer then the oral rounds.

The participation at the ELMC is seen as a highlight in your CV not only in your professional life but is also highly rewarded with certificates and credits during your studies.


The ELMC offers:

  • a highlight in your CV
  • profound knowledge of European Law
  • Improvement of rhetorical skills
  • knowledge of foreign languages
  • „Key Qualification“ teamwork
  • contact to international law firms
  • international contacts


Certificates/ECTS-Credits/Key Qualification

  • Certificate „Key Qualification“
  • Seminar Certificate
  • Certificates „Knowledge of Foreign Languages“ English and French
  • Possibility to prolonge the „Freischuss“ for one semester
  • 10 ECTS-Credits (Erasmus/LLM/Themis)