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The EU and Human Rights - Discussion with Dr. Sergey Lagodinsky (MEP)

News vom 08.07.2021

In the context of the course "Human Rights Law, Politics, History" a discussion will take place with Dr. Sergey Lagodinsky, a Member of the European Parliament. The focus of the session will be on current challenges of EU human rights policies.

The discussion will take place on Tuesday, 13 July 2021, from 11:15 onwards.

Guests are welcome to attend and can register at Kerstin Oelstrom (kerstin.oelstrom@fu-berlin.de).

Dr. Sergey Lagodinsky has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2019. Previously, he worked for the Heinrich Böll Foundation. Dr. Lagodinsky studied law at the University of Göttingen and holds an M.P.A. from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. He obtained his PhD with a thesis on freedom speech and antisemitism at Humboldt University of Berlin. In his work as a Member of the European Parliament, human rights play an important role, in particular with respect to EU-Turkey and EU-Russia relations.

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