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In Memoriam

News from Feb 15, 2024

It is with great sadness that we must announce the passing of Dr. Andreas Fijal. As Dean for Academic Affairs at the Law Department, Dr. Fijal was a crucial figure for and fierce supporter of the MBL-FU program. He was instrumental in shaping the MBL-FU in its formative years by initiating a dual-degree program through a cooperation agreement with Sciences Po de Strasbourg. Dr. Fijal continued to be a vocal supporter of the program, helping to continuously advise and shape the program. We fondly remember his vivid speeches at numerous MBL-FU events and cherish the inspirational conversations that we, and many of our students were fortunate to have had with him.  Dr. Fijal will be dearly missed by the MBL-FU team and community. We are grateful for his continuous support and commitment for our program and will honor his memory. 

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