The Law and Political Economy discourse has attracted widespread attention in US legal academia. “Our work is rooted in the insight that politics and the economy cannot be separated and that both are constructed in essential respects by law. We believe that developments over the last several decades in legal scholarship and policy helped to facilitate rising inequality and precarity, political alienation, the entrenchment of racial hierarchies and intersectional exploitation. We aim to help reverse these trends by supporting scholarly work that maps where we have gone wrong, and that develops ideas and proposals to democratize our political economy and build a more just, equal, and sustainable future.“ An LPE manifesto has been published, the LPE blog has gone online, LPE chapters have been founded at Law Schools all over the US and academic debates are firing up. As the concluding workshop of „The Laws of Social Cohesion“, a project jointly organized by the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI) at Humboldt-Universität, the Freie Universität Empirical Legal Studies Center (FUELS) and the research network Recht im Kontext we would like to dive into a dialogue between the Law and Political Economy Discourse and German Legal thinking. We are very happy that the founder of Yale’s LPE project Amy Kapczynski will join the discussion in Berlin and look forward to a fruitful discussion.
The conference program can be found here.
Please register here for the event: