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Research Interests

  • Human rights in the criminal justice system, in particular during criminal proceedings and in the penal system (Access to Justice)
  • Gender and criminal law
  • European law and criminal law

The research methodology of the professorship is committed to the concept of comprehensive criminal law, i.e. we work dogmatically, empirically and comparatively.

Research projects



Bookproject “European perspectives on pre-trial detention: A means of last resort?”, expected appearance at the of 2022 (Routledge)


Empirical-comparative project on prisoners' rights and institutional control of the prison system: “Prisons: The Rule of Law, Accountability and Rights (PRILA)” (www.tcd.ie/law/research/PRILA/) at Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin (Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Mary Rogan); Scientific coordination of the German sub-project



„Pre-trial detention as Ultima Ratio“, scientific coordination together with Dr. Walter Hammerschick, Institut für Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie Wien, supported by the EU Kommission - Generaldirektion Justiz und Verbraucher, http://irks.at/detour/ 


„Untersuchungshaft in Europa. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung unter rechtsdogmatischen, kriminologischen und europarechtlichen Aspekten“, supported by the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft


Network promotion within the COST-Programmes (European Cooperation in Science and Technology Association) on „Offender Supervision in Europe“; coordination of the working group on „European Norms, Policy and Practice“ and member of the administrative commitee


MARE BALTICUM: Kriminalität, Strafrechts- und Strafvollzugsentwicklung im Ostseeraum

Sub-project 2 (Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Lebens- und Haftbedingungen im internationalen Vergleich: Mare Balticum Prison Survey) and Sub-project 3 (Kriminalitätsentwicklung, Kriminalpolitik, strafrechtliche Sanktionspraxis und ihre Auswirkungen auf unterschiedliche Gefangenenraten) together with Prof. Dr. Frieder Dünkel and Bernd Geng