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Diritto alimentare, Unione europea e protezione del consumatore

Course Level

intermediate - advanced / 3rd - 4th year

Course Language


Course Classification

This is a Themis course. It is also open to non-Themis students.

Teaching Mode


Contact Hours

2 to 4 hours a week on 6 dates


8 (if course has been attended regularly and exam has been passed)


This course is being taught for the first time in the summer term 2024. 

Time Schedule and Course Venue

please see our electronic course catalogue

Course Content

Il corso si propone di fornire una sintetica panoramica delle diverse fonti che formano il sistema normativo di diritto alimentare applicabile nell’ordinamento italiano, le cui disposizioni consentono, sulla base di differenti tecniche di tutela, di fornire adeguata protezione al consumatore finale. Più in particolare, dopo aver introdotto i basilari principi di “international food law”, ci si concentrerà sulla disciplina di diritto dell’Unione europea (la cui rilevanza nel settore di interesse è ormai preminente), tratteggiandone innanzitutto l’evoluzione storica ed analizzandone poi le regole attualmente dettate in materia di sicurezza alimentare e di tutela del consumatore. Si descriverà infine la normativa di attuazione, volta per volta rilevante, adottata dal legislatore italiano al fine di dare esecuzione agli obblighi di matrice internazionalistica ed europea.

Restricted Enrollment

yes (that means that the number of participants is limited and that you might not get a place in this course)

Course Registration

It is not possible to sign up for this course via Campus Management. Once admitted by the course instructor, the Examination Office is going to enroll you for this course in Campus Management.

registration period: 2 April 2024, 9 a.m. - 12 April 2024, 12 p.m. (noon) 

De-Registration from this Course

via e-mail to the course instructor (italstud@zedat.fu-berlin.de) AND to the International Office at the Law Department

regular drop period: 2 April 2024, 9 a.m. - 3 May 2024, 12 p.m. (midnight) 

After the regular drop period you can only drop this course with a valid cause until 14 days prior to the exam. Please contact the International Office at the Law Department if you have to use this option.

Type of Exam

oral exam

Exam Period

The examination will take place max. 2 weeks after the end of the block seminar.

Registration for the Exam

Students will automatically be registered for the exam when they sign up for this course.

De-Registration from the Exam

Students who drop this course are automatically de-registered from the exam. Students who do not officially drop this course and do not take the exam, are going to finish this course with a non-passing grade (0 points).