Stefan Siebert, Belgium/Germany

Stefan Siebert, Belgium/Germany

Merger regulation (Module 3)

Stefan Siebert is advising the Director-General of DG Competition on HR related questions since 2021. He joined DG Competition almost 20 years ago and worked as Deputy Head of Unit in a Merger Control Unit and a State aid unit of DG Competition. His team was responsible for analysing multinational merger cases under the European Merger Control Regulation in a variety of sectors including energy, automotive or IT. In addition, he also led teams who worked on procedural infringement cases in mergers.

Before managing merger cases, he worked in DG Competition in the field of energy antitrust (2007-2011) and merger control (2004-2006) where he has dealt with antitrust and merger cases in the field of energy and other sectors and was involved in several policy projects concerning competition law.

Prior to joining the Commission, he worked for the German National Competition Authority Bundeskartellamt and as an assistant lecturer (University of Munich). He holds law degrees from the University of Munich and the London School of Economics and Political Science.