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External Relations of the European Union


Course Type and Course Organization

Lecture / intensive course lasting several full days

Course Language



6 (if exam has been passed)


The course will be held at irregular intervals. It will be available in the winter term 2014/15.

Time Schedule and Course Venue

An up-to-date electronic course catalogue for the winter semester will be available on the website http://www.fu-berlin.de/vv from late August to late February. Please select "Fachbereiche" - "Rechtswissenschaft" - "Staatsexamensstudiengang" and "Rechtswissenschaft" in order to access the Law courses.

Course Description

With the Treaty of Lisbon and the creation of a European External Action Service, EU Member States have sought to strengthen the EU as an actor on the global stage. This course will identify the foreign policy instruments the EU now has at its disposal and clarify how they are employed in practice in order to promote common European interests and values abroad. Also, it will look at different aspects of EU external relations, such as EU neighborhood policies, transatlantic relations or the EU role at the United Nations. The first part in January (lecture) will focus on institutional aspects of EU external relations. In the second part in February, students will deliver presentations.

Topics of the presentations:

The Eastern Partnership and Ukraine
EU-Russia Relations
The EU and the Mediterranean
Kosovo: EU Engagement and European Perspective
Kosovo: The 2010 ICJ Advisory Opinion
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Name Dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The Cyprus Dispute
Turkey and the EU
The Syria Conflict
Iraq and „ISIS“
The EU and the Middle East Conflict
Transatlantic Relations: USA
Sino-European Relations: China

Course Registration

Enrollment is limited to 15 students. In order to register for this course, please write an e-mail to the course instructor Dr. Gaedtke jcgaedtke@post.harvard.edu and include the number of your current semester and some information on your prior knowledge in European Law and Public International Law.


Students will deliver presentations.

Registration for the Exam

Presentation dates will be communicated in class. Students are not required to register formally for this exam at the Examination Office.